Jesus’ Opinion about Obama’s role

It’s going to become a tradition. Some comments are too good to leave them as such. Here’s Jesús opinion about Obama’s Inauguration and his role from now on. I’m sure you’ll enjoy his words.

I’m watching on Internet the ceremony. It’s really boring (music, poems,…). The best, Obama’s speech. The rest seems a Hollywood film. And Dick Cheany in wheelchair!!! It’s very hard man!!! Their worst final.
The world needs a new leader when the things don’t go well. Do you remember the film ‘Cinderella Man’? It was an economical crisis in the thirties too. Nowadays we are in a similar situation. We need only someone who show the way. Then, each of us has to make the rest.

What will the Obama’s role be in the next four years? It will not be easy. ‘Our friend’ George W. Bush had him a lot of problems around the world and his country:
1. Wars and diplomatic conflicts in all Asia (Israel, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, …).
2. The same in the African continent.
3. Poor relations with Europe and South American Countries.
4. Problems with Russia by anti-rocket shield.
5. Didn’t sign Kioto’s Protocol and his policy on the climate change
6. Guantanamo
7. A financial crisis
8. Unemployment in USA
9. Lost of freedom and social guaranties of American people

Can Obama solve all those problems? At least he has other behavior. Perhaps he won’t get resolver everything, but he will give the first steps.
Yes we can!!!

See you
P.D. Bush, I hope not see you again!!!!

2 thoughts on “Jesus’ Opinion about Obama’s role

  1. Thanks Eva. But I see that I made mistakes in my writing.

    Here’s a link to an article of The New York Times website. What are American’s hopes for the Obama’s Administration?

    And if you want to read the full text of his speech, here’s a link of The BBC:

    See you


  2. Sorry, but I’m part of the world and I don’t need a new leader, I don’t need a leader at all. I’m not a lamb and a person called The President of the USA is not my shepherd, nor him nor any other politician.

    Any word can be misunderstood, even these ones. So, I want to remark that this is just my opinion, and I don’t want to influence anybody.

    People should try to drive their own destinies instead of leaving a stranger to do it for them.

    I have to admit that politicians are needed, because it’s impossible to make an agreement in a whole society, due to the fact that everyone wants something different. But I would like that they didn’t spent most time solving the problems they themselves cause.

    Politicians are supposed to be there because people want it that way, but to my mind, it seems that too many people tends to forget it when the a politicians move his/her lips.

    I don’t want to change the world, I’m too much realistic for that.

    I don’t want to tell anybody what to do, that’s what politicians do (not clearly, but they do it).

    I just want everybody to think a bit more by themselves, instead of feeling that they need a leader to follow.

    I don’t want to argue about politics, what is more, I don’t want to talk about politics any more, I think I have already spoken too much in this comment.


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