
Here are the poems we looked at in class. You can listen to me reading them in these Soundcloud links:

At First It Didn’t Matter

The Vampire

Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth Toast

Try to read the parts you practised in class and copy my pronunciation. Take your time and speak clearly. Can you copy the poem’s rhythm?

And here’s the wonderful short film we watched of Vincent by Tim Burton.

Happy Halloween.

Famous movie quotes

We’ve been working with some famous period films, now it’s time we see here some of their best known scenes and dialogues.

William Wallace: “They may take away our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!”


Rett Butler: “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”


Jack in Titanic: “I am the king of the world”


“I’m Spartacus”


Rick in Casablanca: “Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”


Maximus in Gladiator:

“My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius,
Commander of the Armies of the North,
General of the Felix Legions,
loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius.
Father to a murdered son,
husband to a murdered wife.
And I will have my vengeance,
in this life or the next.”


Adele – Hello

Today we’ve had a whole lesson about Adele and her new hit. I would like to know why the success, why all this fuss around her. Who knows?

The truth is this song is in my head since the moment I heard it for the first time. Isn’t it in yours?

Here you can see the videos we saw in class, in case you fancy watching them again.



Just Dance Now

If you like dancing, this is definitely your app to practise English. You can download it to your Android phone or iphone and start dancing and singing at the same time. You also need to have a computer nearby, so that you can see the moves as you hold your phone with your right hand. The better you dance, the more points you obtain.

There are 5 songs you can dance for free, and that are changed regularly, if you want to access to the whole pack of songs, you have to pay for a subscription.

You can dance on your own, or with friends, as there is a multiplayer mode.

Just check it out and let us know what you think. Click here to download the app.

You can see the instructions in the video below.

New English File Advanced, website activities

Now that we have started with our book, it’s a good time to find out what it’s website has for us. The book New English File has a website which contains activities for all the contents seen in each file. Below you can see what I’m talking about. Just click on the image and do the online activities.

New English File Advanced