
If you love reading, goodreads is going to become your favourite social network. Why? Because it’s full of useful options and because it’s going to help you decide which book you should read next. Let’s explain some of its most interesting features. The text continues after the picture.

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You can import your friends from facebook, gmail, hotmail, yahoo and twitter and see what they are reading, recommend them books, get recommendations from them, etc.

Your books

You can add the books you’ve read, or you are reading, rate them, write a review, etc. At the same time, you can see what other readers have written about the books you are interested in. You can even mark those books you would love to read in the future.


You can find new books searching by title, author, genre, etc., what will make your search quite easy. This feauture combined with other readers’ reviews, will help you make the right decision about what to read.

Personalised recommendations

Furthermore, if you add on goodreads what you like reading and what you’ve enjoyed reading in the past, you can obtain an automatic recommendation from the social network, adapted to your likes. Isn’t it wonderful?

How do you choose what to read? By friends’ recommendations, visiting bookshops or libraries, searching on internet? Will you give goodreads a chance?

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