Written by Juan A. Falcón

Like many of the great discoveries made by the human being, a chance has allowed the creation of a material that surely will revolutionize the future of humanity.

Graphene is a material that comes from graphite and has an atomic structure composed of carbon and hydrogen, arranged in a honeycomb structure and has amazing features, such as: high thermal and electrical conductivity, flexibility, hardness, resistance, lightness, etc. And if it were not enough, Graphene is also believed to have the ability to repair itself, is it not amazing?



Can you imagine screens a few millimeters thick? Or batteries that last much longer? Super processors barely heated? Graphene has many applications in all fields of modern science. One example is in biotechnology, through which scientists could make progress in the fight against terminal illnesses or even implants to replace damaged tissues at a cellular level.


0010260417Advances in communications would also be unimaginable. The concept of computers, mobile devices, TVs, etc. would be reduced to a single interface capable of communicating all kinds of signals at unthinkable speeds.

Energy consumption that comes from fossil fuel worldwide would change drastically due to that graphene is able to absorb sunlight and transform it into electrical energy, allowing a family to be energy self-sufficient in solar periods. The use of Graphene contributes to fight against climate change.


To conclude, Graphene seems to have no limits. Every day this material is investigated, discovering new and amazing qualities that surely in the near future will make humanity take a historical leap in its evolution.

To learn more about Graphene and its characteristics and implementations, please visit these sites:

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Tags: Graphene, metal, science, technology, future.

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