Food for your imagination

Writing time! In Básico 1 we´re about to learn the past simple and in Intermedio 1 we´ve learnt new past tenses (past continuous and past perfect).

With the resources we have and a little imagination, we can create a good story!

My students in Intermedio 1 have been told to write a story of about 100 words. They can look at some pictures for inspiration in the presentation Some pictures to inspire your writing or use their own pictures.

Their classmates will vote for the best story and the winner will get a prize!  You too can write a short poem or a short story if you feel inspired.

Sometimes a picture can remind you of a poem or a song you know. Here you can see a poem by Charles Bukowski related to the picture on the left, click here to see the post. The photos belong to Francesc Serra Zaragoza.

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