Healthy recipes

Written by Sara Gutiérrez

Nowadays it’s really popular to have healthy meals but a lot of people think that healthy food doesn’t taste good. This is usually thought because the idea they have of vegetables:   something without flavor. However, if you learn how to prepare them eating healthy food  won’t seem so painful anymore. That’s the reason why today I’m going to show you some healthy meals that are tasty and easy to prepare.

Greek Yogurt Parfait

This yogurt is perfect for breakfast or as a snack during the afternoon. It’s really fresh, it will give you a lot of energy and you will only need 5 minutes to prepare it. You’ll just need greek yogurt, fruit ( your choice), puffed rice, and nuts.

To see the recipe click here.

Quinoa Dish

Quinoa is one of the trendiest foods right now. This whole grain has a lot of protein and fiber, which are important for our system. You can have it as if it was rice, mixed with beans, vegetables, or even fruit. This dish would be a great meal for lunch.

To see the recipe click here.

Orange Chicken Fingers

Chicken slices covered with avena will make a great dinner. This dish takes more time to prepare than the others. You can have them with some salad and sauce ( asian sauce for example).

To see the recipe click here.

I hope these examples have proved to you that healthy food is easy to prepare and that it’s also a good chance to try different meals.

For more information you can have a look at this web pages:


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